Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Get FREE Sprinkles and a chance to Win a $100 Shopping Spree!!!!!!

Want FREE Sprinkles? (Yes, FREE)
Want a chance to win $100 Pink Zebra Shopping Spree? 
Of course you do!!! 

Join the Firecracker Frenzy!!

From now through July 26th, you gather orders (I give you a bag of goodies to share with  your peeps :) if you are local- if not, I can still send you some stuff) and for every $100 in orders, you get a FREE jar of Sprinkles of your choice! (I know I just put the red, white and blue ones on the picture, but you can choose any you would like!) Share it with your friends at your party this weekend... share it with your friends and fam across the country! I can even send you some Green Tea and Lemongrass (AKA Bug Repellant!)  Sprinkles to use to show off just how awesome they are :)

And this counts for the 2nd $100 and so on as well!! The more you sell, the more awesome prizes you could earn- from warmers, to shades, to gift baskets!

If you get a friend to join in, and they get $100 in orders, they also get the FREE jar of Sprinkles- but you also get MORE free stuff!! And so on and so on... the more the merrier right? I will also give free gifts to all who participate, no matter how much in orders you bring in!

I have opened a party just for this event- and will also open a Facebook Event as well if you or your friends have any questions.  If you (or your friends and fam) go online and order (please send me a list of names that you get orders from so that I can make sure the credit goes to you :)) make sure you add this party # 21882 BEFORE you check out or it will not count!!!  

So how do you get started?
1. Contact me so that I can add you to the participants tracking sheet :) and send you your free gift just for participating :)
2. Fill out this Google Form with your information (so that I can send you some free samples etc to help you get orders :))
3. When you place an order, or when your friends place an order, there are 2 ways to do so. 
              a.) You can (or your friend can) place an order on my website - www.sprinklegalz.com.  REMEMBER... PLEASE ADD THE PARTY NUMBER ABOVE (#21882) If you need help I am more than glad to help you through the process.  Just let me know!! This is the only way I will be able to track orders for this giveaway so if you don't... you will still get your order of course, but it will not count towards the giveaway! So ITS VERY IMPORTANT!!!

The BEST part? 
The top seller on July 28th will win a  $100 Pink Zebra Shopping Spree (in the form of a Gift Certificate)! 2nd Place will earn a $50 Gift Certificate, and the 3rd Place winner will recieve a $25 Gift Certificate! 

There will also be prizes given for the amount of sales you have individually- so don't fret... you can still win awesome prizes JUST for participating!!! 

So what are you waiting for???
 Join in on all the FUN! Any questions please comment below, email me here, or message me here!
or on Facebook!  
Or go straight to the event on Facebook HERE - I will be posting specials, answering questions, even maybe playing a few games!! :)
Can't wait to hear from you!!!
**If less than 10 people sign up, the prizes will be half (unless $1000 in sales are collected :)) I don't forsee this happening, but in case.... 1st place will get a $50 Gift Certificate and so on.  Free prizes will still be given for participating!***

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